Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Day 1 of the 30 day challenge.

August 27, 2019

I have wanted to make money online for a long time. for several different reasons,

  1. because I am NOT making enough at my day job to do the extra things I would like to do. 
  2. I eventually would like to QUIT the day job and be my own boss. (so I won't have to go out in the snow. LOL. )
  3. I would eventually like to move to TEXAS.  yes, I am out of my mind! It's so HOT there.  NO SNOW! 
  4. buy a house. Not a big one. just one bigger than the studio apartment I currently live in.
  5. A pool. I want a pool. 

I have signed up for a 30-day blog making, money-making challenge.

the first step was to sign up with BLUEHOST. Since I already had an account with Bluehost I started creating my blog. 

I am in an executive meeting with myself LOL about what to call it. so far I have come up with "making dollar bucks."  this is a phrase my sister coined when she was learning about money. we all thought it was funny. that phrase has been used in our family for almost 50 years!

The next question they ask is what is it about? 
well, it's about blogging and making money.
so the headline reads:

Welcome to my money-making/blogging blog!

How does that sound?
ok well, that will do it for day 1.
check back often for updates on the progress.
Thanks, Marcia

making money online

OMG! have you ever tried it? did you succeed?  information OVERLOAD! everybody wants MONEY (well almost everybody).

there are FREE ways of doing this. BUT, it's not guaranteed. NOTHING IS.
 you basically have to be chained to your computer put hours and hours and hours maybe even years. I do NOT have Hours and hours or years to sit here and HOPE for something to come of this.
I have sat here for hours, days, LOT'S of days. trying to do this. all I get is tired.
my eyes are crossed now. LOL

  • you have to decide what you want to sell/promote.
  • you have to do all kinds of research to make sure there is a market for it.
  • you have to learn what will be a very complicated, frustrating system.
  • you have to find your targeted audience.
  • you have to PROMOTE without being spammy.
  • you have to cross your fingers and HOPE you get some sales.
 SO I signed up with CLICKBANK  (click on the word Clickbank and it will take you to the site.)
Because I want to do, I have to do this for FREE. Broke ass over here.
I watched COUNTLESS YOUTUBE video's on the subject.

  IF you're doing it for FREE:

  • you have to set up a FACEBOOK PAGE.
  • create your own FACEBOOK GROUP.
  • you have to join FACEBOOK GROUPS that are you're targeted audience.
  • post/promote on all your social media. Tell all your friends and family and there friends and family.  
  • OH YEAH!  start a BLOG! blogger    
  • sign up for a free website.
  • Wordpress
              SEE I just  HELPED YOU  start making money online. FOR FREE.
    I at least got you started. Good luck, let me know how it turns out.

I just signed up for a 30-day blog challenge. (to make money with it.)

  They want you to sign up with BLUE HOST. I DO NOT LIKE BLUE HOST. (or green eggs and ham)
DR. Seuss       

It costs money to sign up with BLUEHOST, A YEAR AT A TIME! NO THANKS!

Since I already have this blog I think I will try it anyway and see if it still works.
wish me luck.
Look for posts about my progress.

I remembered I had an account with BLUEHOST.  so I logged on to it. I will start a new blog for the 30-day challenge.
Again wish me luck!


Tuesday, August 20, 2019

A storm is a comin'

I am sitting on my sister's  deck in a town nobody has heard of in Texas. I am on vacation/ pet sitting.
The temperature is about  110 degrees. I am not even kidding. 
It was 115 a few hours ago.
     As I sit here on the deck, smokin a cigarette,  drinking  hot tea... what am I nuts? Probably.  I look out over the yard.. which is big enough to build a whole neighborhood on. Lol.
    The breeze is picking up in speed, the once clear sky is getting  cloudy. Dark clouds. The animals are getting restless, the chickens are a squawking,  the dogs are barking. The hummingbirds are coming to the feeder for one last drink before the storm hits.
   The breeze is picking up even more.. the trees are starting to wave. The empty rocking chair  starts rocking. Oh hell no! That creeps me out!! I find an empty coors light beer box, I stick it under the rocking chair to make it stop. 
      There is a loud clap of thunder, scares the shit out of me. I jump.
 I love thunderstorms  but I'm thinking maybe it's not safe to be out here.  But. I wait.  The sky is getting darker, another clap of thunder. Then a huge lightning bolt.  I jump up and run into the garage. 
       Then all of a sudden it starts pouring,  the wind has picked up even more. I  can feel the rain  standing in the garage. The wind is that strong. 
Another bolt of lightning.  Holy cow. 
I go back out and sit on the deck, watch the trees  wave back and forth. Watch as the steam comes off the roof and the deck from the cool rain hitting it. 
Hopefully the storm will bring the temperature down.
    I am from the  East coast so I am not used to the heat. At least not 115 degree  heat. 90 or 95 at best. 
     The chickens try to find cover outside of their  coop. They are huddled together.  Climbing all over each other. It is funny to watch.  
     It starts raining even harder. The wind is picking up.
I am in what they call tornado alley.   I think oh no. Here I am alone with the animals, hopefully this is NOT a tornado. 
 Tornadoes are rare where I am from.  We have had more in recent years. The neighborhood's hit are still recovering  years later.
        Then just like that. The rain stops. Like someone turned the water faucet off. The wind slowly  slows to a light breeze,  the chickens  start venturing out of their  hiding spots, I take a deep breath. The hummingbirds  return for some refreshment. The dogs have quieted down.  I let them out to re- assure them that the storm has past. At least for the moment. The skys are still dark. There might be  more storms a comin' soon. All we can do now is wait.  The temperature doesn't seem to have come down  much.
     What is this I see? The sun trying to come back out?
Yes I do believe it is.  All will be right again soon.
As soon as the scary dark clouds go away.
The sun is trying it's hardest to make that happen.
  Slowly but surely  the clouds are giving way to the sun.
         The storm has passed for sure.

Monday, August 19, 2019


Hello readers,
Welcome to  my new blog. My name is Marcia.

 My intention:

         In this blog I will be sharing some short stories. I know we are so busy with day to day things. We don't have  hours to sit and read like we used to.  I also don't have hours upon  hours to write lengthy  posts.
        So if I can capture your attention for just a few minutes at a time. Give you an escape  or a break from your busy day.  I will be happy.

My inspiration  for this blog:

    I have several  inspirational moments.
Let's start with the most recent  ones

I was sitting  on the back deck at my sister's in Texas. GOD BLESS TEXAS! I am from the east coast.  So out of my element.  Lol
 Anyways. I was drinking tea (in the 100 degree weather).
The breeze was starting to pick up, the clouds  were starting to  roll in and go from  a fluffy white to a dark grey,
The rocking chair started rocking. (With nobody in it). 
Isn't that  like a no no superstition  wize? I think so.
It FREAKED ME OUT!  Not much freaks me out.
I put an empty beer box under one side to stop it from rocking. 
    As I sat there I thought  "A storm is a comin".  Then I thought  that would be a great  story title. 

So, now my brain is in high  gear, what about a blog?
How many  short stories can I come up with  just from the back yard? 
I also thought  about the movies I had been watching the last couple of days. 
More inspirational  material right there. 
I watched julie&Julia.
  https://www.netflix.com/title/70112732?preventIntent=true.  Great movie. 

I watched how to make an American  quilt.https://www.netflix.com/title/607931?preventIntent=true.

I also watched little women. 


All inspirational.  All women writers.
They each wrote about what was going on in their lives.

Maybe you will be inspired to start your own blog, if you don't have one already.
If you do please share it will all of us.
I think my comment section is on.

If you haven't seen these movies,
I think you should,  you might like them
They may inspire you.

Thinking,  hoping, I was able to give you a nice little break in your day.

I know I said  SHORT  stories.... but,  I wanted to give you my full thought  process on how I arrived here.

So I will leave it here.  Think about it,  bookmark my site. Visit often to see what's new.
Enjoy your day.