Monday, August 19, 2019


Hello readers,
Welcome to  my new blog. My name is Marcia.

 My intention:

         In this blog I will be sharing some short stories. I know we are so busy with day to day things. We don't have  hours to sit and read like we used to.  I also don't have hours upon  hours to write lengthy  posts.
        So if I can capture your attention for just a few minutes at a time. Give you an escape  or a break from your busy day.  I will be happy.

My inspiration  for this blog:

    I have several  inspirational moments.
Let's start with the most recent  ones

I was sitting  on the back deck at my sister's in Texas. GOD BLESS TEXAS! I am from the east coast.  So out of my element.  Lol
 Anyways. I was drinking tea (in the 100 degree weather).
The breeze was starting to pick up, the clouds  were starting to  roll in and go from  a fluffy white to a dark grey,
The rocking chair started rocking. (With nobody in it). 
Isn't that  like a no no superstition  wize? I think so.
It FREAKED ME OUT!  Not much freaks me out.
I put an empty beer box under one side to stop it from rocking. 
    As I sat there I thought  "A storm is a comin".  Then I thought  that would be a great  story title. 

So, now my brain is in high  gear, what about a blog?
How many  short stories can I come up with  just from the back yard? 
I also thought  about the movies I had been watching the last couple of days. 
More inspirational  material right there. 
I watched julie&Julia.  Great movie. 

I watched how to make an American  quilt.

I also watched little women.

All inspirational.  All women writers.
They each wrote about what was going on in their lives.

Maybe you will be inspired to start your own blog, if you don't have one already.
If you do please share it will all of us.
I think my comment section is on.

If you haven't seen these movies,
I think you should,  you might like them
They may inspire you.

Thinking,  hoping, I was able to give you a nice little break in your day.

I know I said  SHORT  stories.... but,  I wanted to give you my full thought  process on how I arrived here.

So I will leave it here.  Think about it,  bookmark my site. Visit often to see what's new.
Enjoy your day.

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